West Papua Information Kit |
OPMThe OPM is the "Organisation for Papuan Freedom", people who want freedom and independence from colonial powers like Indonesia and Freeport McMoRan. But "OPM" is in the Indonesian language "Organisasi Papua Merdeka", the Indonesians always knew West Papua rejected Indonesia's colonization of the Pacific. Despite the risk of death or worse, since 1965 West Papuan communities have supported OPM, they have talked with other communities and they have sent people of their choosing to speak with other OPM people to organise a national concensus. OPM exists despite the colonial repression against free speech. Under Indonesian colonial law, people would be arrested and are regularly beaten and killed for be suspected of supporting Papuan freedom from the Indonesian military occupation and exploitation. OPM has political and military arms, and supports civil disobedience of Jakarta's foreign rule and plunder. But under Indonesian colonial law, people are arrested and are regularly beaten and killed for even being suspected of supporting their freedom. Under United Nations resolution 1514 the Indonesian forces must be removed immediately, since 1963 when Indonesia acknowledge the territory was a colony being traded to them by the New York Agreement. But OPM reminds us all that West Papua during the 1950s already decided for independence, when Papua heard about the New York Agreement, the people in August 1962 took to the streets in peaceful protests for their independence. In 1961 the national New Guinea Council with full public support created the Morning Star flag, and wrote their Manifesto for the world.
Known as the combatant branch of OPM,
these brave people for forty years have prevented Indonesia and Freeport
from claiming West Papua was happy to be part of Indonesia.
It is sad but the American Ambassadors only acknowledge combatants:
Mathias Wenda, Kelley Kwalik, and others are doing as they must; they would prefer to be parents and teachers again but while refugee camps must hide from the Indonesian patrols and freedom is repressed; the struggle continues. MeMy name is Andrew Johnson, I live in Sydney Australia where I enjoy the freedom to speak the truth. My friends in West Papua do not have this luxury, they would be killed for doing as I have done. I acknowledge my neighbours as good and honourable people who need more people outside the colony to to acknowledge West Papua. I call on all people of good conscience to help the voice of West Papua be heard. Presidium of Papua CouncilPresidium of Papua Council, or Presidium Dewan Papua (PDP) despite the repression Papuan leaders have held a number of OPM national gatherings. The Papua National Congress II 2000, in Port Numbay called for an executive body and for the New Guinea Council to re-emerge as a legal base to represent the voice of West Papua. The Gazette of the establishment of Nieuw Guinea Council and the approval of West Papua Flag, National Anthem , the Name of the Nation and the name of the State and the geographical boundaries have never been legally cancelled. Therefore, legally, under the UN De-colonisation Rules, West Papua is still a colonised state, which was re-colonised by Indonesia. However I point out while this is a noble effort to overcome the problems of being a colony; it is clear that United Nations Resolution 1514 requires the removal of forces of repression BEFORE any expression even of simple Self-determination, let alone political representations. The PDP shows the Papuan people are well able to vote and organise themselves once the foreign military is removed. WPNCL / West Papua National Coalition for LiberationDuring 2007 in another effort to maintain harmony for differing aspirations the West Papua National Coalition for Liberation was formed. Like the PDP I point out that this shows the people are able to make their own arrangements even under very trying conditions. The WPNCL like all the organisation can be accepted as legitmate informants within limits that they are limited by the public being under Indonesian military and policing restrictions. Demmak - The Koteka Tribal AssemblyThe Koteka Tribal Assembly (Dewan Musyawarah Masyarakat Koteka - Demmak) is a cultural organisation of the Koteka tribes of Papua. It was established as an outcome of discussions among the elders of several tribes in West Papua. The main goal of the Assembly is to peacefully, democratically and legally work towards the recognition and protection of customary laws, values and beliefs of the Koteka Peoples. It is organised in as a confederation that consists of elders who independently and autonomously join and or leave the Assembly as they wish, and contribute to the organisation according to their willingness and capabilities in order to achieve our goal. Demmak is managed under coordination of a Secretary-General that is assisted by Coordinators based on activities carried out within the Assmbly. For the first time, it is working to document and formalise the customary laws, values, and traditional systems that exist among the Koteka Tribes. AMP - Allaince of Papuan StudentsAliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) West Papuan Relief Association (WPRRA)Established in Port Moresby, the Capital of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. Papua Women's Alliance (APP)Alainsi Perempuan Papua (APP) Papua Customary Council (PCC)Dewan Adat Papua (DAP)/ Papua Customary Council (PCC) Papuan Panel (PP)
Papua Peoples Customary CouncilLembaga Masyarakat Adat (LMA) Fourteen-Star (B-14) GroupIn 1988 a flag with fourteen stars designed by Dr Thomas Wainggai was hoisted in Jayapura while declaring West Papua to be a Melanesian State. West Papua National Youth Awareness Team (WESTPANYET)
West Papua Indigenous Organisation (WPIO)
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