Title Netherlands New Guinea - Policy Contents range 1959 - 1962 Series number A4940 Control symbol C508 PART 2 Access status Open Barcode 944211 URL https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=944211 103 - Cabinet Minute 19/12/1961 Decision 1689 - West New Guinea - TOP SECRET 108 - Cabinet minute 24/10/1961 Decision 1679 - West New Guinea - SECRET 127 - Cabinet minute 16/08/1961 Decision 1541 - Netherlands New Guinea - TOP SECRET 132 - Background note for cabinet file - TOP SECRET 137 - Cabinet minute 16/08/1961 Decision 1541 - Netherlands New Guinea - TOP SECRET 138 - External Affairs submission 1305 13/08/1961 to Cabinet - Netherlands New Guinea - TOP SECRET 139 - Cabinet minute 16/08/1961 Decision 1541 - Netherlands New Guinea - TOP SECRET 165 - External Affairs submission 991 (46) - 06/02/1961 - TOP SECRET 166 - Cabinet minute 06/02/1961 Decision 1184 (submission 991) - Netherlands New Guinea - CONFIDENTIAL 174 - To Minister for External Affairs re Agendum 969 - Netherlands New Guinea - 27/12/1960 175 - External Affairs submission 969 - United Nations Trusteeship for Netherlands New Guinea - 22/12/1960 - TOP SECRET 176 - Cabinet minute 21/02/1961 - United Nations Trusteeship for Netherlands New Guinea - TOP SECRET 177 - *Certified true copy* - Cabinet minute 21/02/1961 decision 1229 (US Trusteeship proposal) - TOP SECRET 193 - Cabinet minute 08/11/1960 - Neth New Guinea - Decision 1103 (Malaya Trusteeship proposal) - CONFIDENTIAL 194 - *Certified true copy* - Decision 1103 - CONFIDENTIAL 196 - Cabinet minute 31/05/1960 - Indonesian/Dutch tension over West New Guinea - SECRET