URGENT APPEAL: Ref: UAWP24/ 05. 29 July 2005 NAME: Petto Wenda, Yiman Wenda, Abai Wenda, VIOLATIONS: State-sponsored terrorism by the TNI in Pyramid, near Wamena, West Papua, Petto Wenda slashed with razors and burnt alive. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please copy the letter below or write in your own words and send to: Ms LOUISE ARBOUR High Commissioner for Human Rights mailto: ngochr@ohchr.org AND Cc: http://us.f419.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=indonesia2@un.int indonesia2@un.int; http://us.f419.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=ecu@un.org  ecu@un.org; OPTIONAL: PLEASE ALSO SEND APPEALS TO: Diplomatic Representatives of Indonesia in your country. Link to Indonesian Embassies worldwide http://www.embassyworld.com/embassy/indonesia1.htm The Foreign Minister of your country  - WORLD-WIDE Governments: http://www.library.northwestern.edu/govpub/resource/internat/foreign.html Please cut and paste and send this appeal to your mailing lists OR you can telephone: Chief of police in Wamena: 00 + 62969 31072 Police Office in Wamena: 00 + 62969 31110 Bupati (Regent) of Wamena: 00 + 62969 31005 The most important thing is just to say the names of the villages and people a lot, even if they don't understand English, and make it clear you are phoning from abroad. Some Indonesian phrases you can use (pronunciation guide in brackets): Saya telepon tentang . (Sy-ar telepon tentang..) - I am telephoning about ... Hati hati (Harti harti) - Be careful Kami jaga lihat anda sekarang. (Karmee jargar leehat anda seykarang) - We are watching you now Saya dari Inggris. (Sy-yar dary Ingrees) - I am from England Kami adalah teman mereka. (Karmee ard-ar-lar tayman meraykar) - We are their friends Thank you for your support for the West Papuan people during this time of terror. ***** Ms Louise Arbour High Commissioner for Human Rights ngochr@ohchr.org Dear Ms Arbour I ask you to urgently demand that the Government of Indonesia immediately cease all State-sponsored terrorism by the TNI in Pyramid, near Wamena, and  throughout West Papua. And to immediately withdraw the TNI from the area, and investigate the following violations, identify and prosecute those responsible and to provide the injured with immediate, on-going and regular access to medical treatment. Tuesday 8 July 2005: 12 members of the TNI  from two districts (Assologoima and Bogolame) began intimidating and torturing innocent Papuan civilians in the little village of Moragame (Pyramid) in Assologoima District, near the town of Wamena . Sunday 17 July 2005: 10 members of the same TNI units returned to Moragame (Pyramid). The TNI opened fire on the Moragame villagers with automatic rifles. The people ran to the jungle to save their lives and are now refugees. Two Moragame villagers, Mr Yiman Wenda, Mr Abai Wenda, were shot by the TNI. They fled, wounded, into the jungle. Nobody knows if they are dead or still alive. The TNI also burnt homes and smashed down fences around the vegetable gardens. The same brutality and crimes against humanity committed by the TNI against the people of Puncak Jaya are now being committed against innocent civilians in Moragame (Pyramid). Thursday 14 July 2005: Mr Petto Wenda was tortured by the TNI in the village of Ndome (Pyramid). TNI soldiers first slashed his face with a razor and then cut his flesh all over his body with a knife. Finally the TNI poured petrol over his head and set fire to him. Petto Wenda's hair caught fire. He received serious burns to his head and is now in a critical condition. He is not expected to survive. 28 July 2005:  The TNI is still occupying the Pyramid region. Military operations are still on going and hundreds of refugees are still hiding in the jungle, without proper food or shelter. Yours sincerely Copies sent to: Mr KOFI ANNAN Secretary General of the United Nations Mail to: ecu@un.org Mr WIDODO ADI SUTJITO Minister for Political and Security Affairs, http://us.f419.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=polkam@polkam.go.id polkam@polkam.go.id H.E Mr.REZLAN ISHAR JENIE, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations http://us.f419.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=indonesia2@un.int indonesia2@un.int;