Antara news
Aug 03 22:45

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Defence Minister Juwono Sudarsono has called on the
Indonesian people to get accustomed to foreign criticism of domestic affairs
such as the status of Papua which was recently questioned by two US

"We as a big country should not worry too much when a domestic problem is
raised and discussed in an international forum. That is a normal thing," the
minister said after a meeting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono here

According to the minister, on almost every August 15, the Indonesian
government is criticised by non-governmental organizations in Europe and the
United States as the date is the anniversary of the New York Treaty of 1962
on Papua.

"At the time, namely May, 1969, Indonesia, the United States and the
Netherlands agreed to make Irian Barat (West Irian) part of the Republic (of
Indonesia)," he said.

In addition, he said, Indonesia is (on every December 4) frequently
criticized over the Aceh issue and on April 15 over the banned Republic of
South Maluku.

Now all the past treaties both during first president Soekarno`s government
and Soeharto`s era are frequently raised by non-governmental organizations,
the press and parliaments in Europe, and the US congress, he said.

"If we worry about the criticism, they will be contented. Thus we`d better
stay calm," he added.

In the face of the foreign criticism, Juwono said the government did not
show excessive stance.

However, he said, the government remained to carry out the regional
decentralization program soon in an effort to uphold the dignity of the
people in Aceh, Maluku and Papua.

The minister further said the government had lodged protests and shown
unpleasant feeling to the US Congress` members on their criticism against

Quoting President Yudhoyono`s remark at the meeting, the minister said the
inteference into Indonesia`s domestic affairs was part of the game of the US
Congress` members. (*)