West Papua Information Kit |
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IndonesiaIndonesia is a union of at least seventeen island nations held together by fear of the Indonesian military (TNI). Java is resource poor, the other islands are resource rich and are being mined and exploited for the benefit of Jakarta, Jakarta's TNI Generals, and Jakarta's western Corporations such as the members of the US Indonesia Society who knowningly want U.S. support of the TNI in exchange for access to the wealth of these nations irrespective of global issues. This colonial State is spread across two continents, specifically South East Asia and the Northern Australian Pacific. Though Java is resource poor, the other 'Provinces' are rich in natural resources which are harvested by companies owned mostly by the TNI and members of the US Indonesia Society.The world's fourth largest nation, Indonesia is primarily the product of a criminal called Sukarno who was not a popular leader as later propaganda alleged but who during the 1930s was convicted of sedition after he repeatedly called for Japan to conduct war against the United States and what he called the "Imperial Western powers of the Pacific". After Japan did declare war on the United States, it employed Sukarno to recruit Javanese support for what Sukarno called the Great Asian war. With his aid Japan was able to obtain the East Indies oil with which to fuel their Pacific War; during this time Japan and Sukarno also began changing the Islamic structure of Java to better suit their anti-western war efforts. In March 1945 Tokyo issued orders for Sukarno and Mohammed Hatta to establish an Indonesian state. Aparantly the Ford Foundation (*) was also hoping that a centralised military would take control of the region and that Corporate America would gain easy access to the wealth of Asia by supporting this military power. At first this was delayed as the United Nations supported the creation of a federated nation, the United States of Indonesia (USI) which took office in December 1949 and would allow each Island nation a voice about its resources and wishes. During the next eight months Sukarno and his militia squashed (*) the Indonesian government (USI) and declared the entire region to be under the control of his Republic of Indonesia (RI). Under TNI rule the region is a hotbed of corruption, jihad militia, sea piracy, health dangers, and powerful lobbies who have for decades been able to manipulate Washington policy in disregard of US and global interests. YudhoyonoGeneral Yudhoyono, hero of the attempted cleansing of East Timor; a senior Commander over East Timor during the planning and preparations for Operation Scorched Earth (1999-2000); who personally conducted fake ceremonies which left the militia fully armed and free to terrorize East Timor after the vote; and who then as a Minister (2001-2004) in Megawati's government oversaw the TNI retribution against the people of Aceh for their democracy and independence rallies.Under the General's Presidency there has been the complete return to traditional military rule of Java and surrounding nations; instead of punishing the masterminds behind the Sep/2004 murder of human rights activist Munir Said Thalib or disbanding the Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN), or questioning the TNI who had billion dollar motives for silencing Mr Munir, the airline pilot was convicted! In April 2003 eight TNI District and Sub-District Commanders, an Indonesian District Civilian Administrator (another TNI Officer), the Indonesian District Chief of Police, and six East Timorese TNI soldiers with 31 counts of crimes against humanity, including murder, extermination, enforced disappearance, torture, deportation and persecution committed against the civilian population of Covalima district between 27 January 1999 and 25 October 1999. Yet General Yudhoyono has upheld TNI impunity for crimes against humanity; while Kopasssus and other militia have also escaped responsibility for their actions in East Timor, Ambon and the Moluccas Islands, and in West Papua.
Although certain US Corporations and the TNI Generals seem to view these and other murders as a joke, human rights NGOs around the world do not. US Indonesian relationshipDuring the 1930s John Rockefeller II and the Standard Oil group were reviewing what mineral wealth the island nations in the East Indies had to offer future companies like Exxon and Newmont and Conoco Philips; and in 1935 they decided to buy a Dutch company through which they could explore if West Papua had any economic minerals. Unfortunately their geologist Jean Dozy in 1936 reported he had found the world's richest concentrations of gold and copper; the discovery was kept secret.In a post war act Skull & Bones society members would be proud of, as revealed in David Ransom's 1974 "The Trojan Horse: A Radical Look at Foreign Aid" his chapter "Ford Country: Building an Elite for Indonesia" (*), members of Java's elite were sponsored to US university educations, from whom business guests in New York and Washington during 1949 were promised easy access to the 'wealth of Asia' should the Javanese dominated Indonesian State become a reality. Although the Indonesian military has continued a strong Jihad and anti-western culture resulting in its support today of groups like Jemaah Islamiyah, Laskar Jihad and similar; the United States has supported this military since 1949. From 1950 onwards Indonesia demanded possession of West New Guinea, later West Papua. Though the US, Netherlands, and Australian governments for fifteen years could not see the reason for the strength of these demands nor why Indonesia in 1962 threaten to become a communist State unless the US had the Netherlands transfer the West Papuan people's sovereignty to Indonesia, in 1967 the Freeport company finalised its mining contract to open the world's largest mine in West Papua for the world's richest gold and copper deposits which had been covertly discovered in 1936. As we know, Rockefeller's Freeport company today operates the world's largest copper & gold mine, built by Bechtel dumping over 300,000 tons of 'waste' into the world's Oceans each day. Congress eventually suspended US cooperation with the Indonesian military in 1999 after Indonesian soldiers were caught committing human rights abuses before, during and after East Timor's 1999 vote of independence. George Bush upon taking office began campaigning for the US Indonesia Society agenda to resume US support of the Indonesian military, then after 9/11 he augured that the United States must support the Indonesian military to prove that America had a friend in the Islamic world. Although there were anti-US riots and university mobs searching hotels for Americans during the month after 9/11 in Jakarta, these news stories were not reported inside the United States; instead Indonesia has been misrepresented as a stabilising force within Asia. In August 2002, two American teachers were killed in an ambush which the TNI claimed was the work of the West Papuan independence movement, but when the corpse of an alleged shooter proved to have been shot over 24 hours before the ambush and dressed for the ambush scene; suspicions arose that the TNI had itself planned the ambush as a means to encourage the Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold copany to continue its illegal payments to the local TNI commander. FBI investigations were impeded by the TNI administration of the region, but were also subject to consider US corporate pressure to find the TNI Innocent of any involvement. In 2004 the Papuan shooter went on Australian television claiming he had been paid by TNI officers who also told him which vehicle to shoot into; further he claimed he was willing to surrender himself to the FBI or US government, but not to the TNI or Indonesians. During late 2005 George Bush ignored both DoS country reports and Congress's new Section 1115 addressing Indonesian abuses in West Papua in the 2006 Foreign Relations Authorization bill HR2601; instead George Bus has resumed full US ties with the Indonesian military (TNI). At the same time FBI agents Paul Myers and Ron Eiowan approached the Papuan community claiming they were now ready to transport the shooter and any other witnesses to the courts in the United States; arranging to met at Amole Dua hotel in Timika, Myers and Eiowan arrived in a medium sized truck. The shooter, Anthonius Wamang under two US murder indictments since his television testimony, eleven witnesses and Reverend Isak Ondawame were asked to get into the truck by the FBI agents who assured their safety from Indonesian authorities while being transported to the United States. Instead the FBI agents have delivered these Papuan witnesses to Indonesian authorities who immediately denounced any TNI involvement in the ambush and began preparations for a quick Indonesian trial and coverup of any TNI involvement. Although the US corporations Exxon, Newmont, Freeport McMoRan, Bechtel, and others are delighted with the return of the US Indonesian military relationship; the victims of 9/11 and the US public may have different views. Insights to Indonesian US RelationsSubtitle: What fifty years of funding the military Generals instead of honest open relations, has purchased.9/24 2001 / 9/27 2001 / 9/28 2001 / 9/28 2001 / 10/1 2001 / 10/2 2001 / 10/8 2001 / 10/8 2001 / 10/14 2001 / 10/15 2001 / 10/15 2001 / 11/7 2001 / 10/15 2002 / 1/2 2003 / 1/23 2003 / 4/2 2003 / 10/15 2003 / Islam and Southeast Asia / Federasi Australia Otonomi Indonesia Author suggestion for United States  For some ten years in the 1950s the New York Times openly called Indonesia's threats blackmail; an apt description of the military commander's threats. Indonesia's Generals were asking both Washington and Moscow for hundreds of millions of dollars; in addition General Suharto in December 1961 attempted an invasion of West New Guinea, which failed because the Papuan people bravely arrested the Indonesian soldiers and sent runners to bring Papuan troops who then took the invaders away for return to Java.  No doubt the General fully expected Washington to remain silent about this invasion, silent about the slaughter of a half million Javanese in 1965/66 as the General established his rule; expected US silence or support for the 1975 invasion of East Timor. On top of these has been "military Aid" and other benefits ; for which the United States and world has gotten a poor return.   Instead of supporting a foreign military of repression against the people of Indonesia; the United States SHOULD have been supporting those people's human rights; the return for which would be long term friendship of the people irrespective of their President.   The United States SHOULD support West Papua's rights at the United Nations, and the reward would be another free democracy as a friend in the United Nations, another nation without terrorist like JI and Laskar Jihad, and a trade partner in mutal growing prosperty. |
- Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Home |
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