Indonesia and Australia face the common challenges of being
geographically extensive and culturally diverse, yet the two
countries operate under different political systems. Learn
more about this theme:
dan Identitas Bangsa)
How do our political systems shape our sense of identity?
Does a centralist government promote a sense of unity in a
nation? Or is government more effective if there are regional
levels dealing with regional issues and national levels dealing
with national and global issues?
Learn More about Australia and Indonesia's sense of unity
and identity:
dan Sumber Daya)
The rights and responsibilities of various levels of governments
are the focus of debate world-wide. Australia's founding fathers
struggled with the issue for more than 50 years before agreement
could be reached and Federation achieved. But in Indonesia
the debate is far more recent, with new laws promoting a move
towards decentralisation, and increased authority for regions.
Learn more about the rights and responsibilities of various
levels of government in Indonesia and Australia:
Akar Rumput)
One of the objectives of Indonesia's recently introduced
regional autonomy laws was to bring government closer to the
people. How will it work? What will change? And with more
than 900 local government institutions for a population of
less than 20 million, what is the Australian experience of
grass roots government?
Learn More about this theme:
Cultural and geographic differences have been at the root
of many of the world's separatist movements - but they have
also provided the catalyst for major government reforms.
Seeking Autonomy analyses Indonesia's shift of power to the
regions and asks whether special autonomy for Papua and Aceh
will muffle the spirit of separatism in these provinces.
Masa Depan)
2001 proved to be a year of soul-searching for both Indonesia
and Australia.
Indonesia entered a new era of decentralisation, facing the
challenges of political and economic distribution. For Australia
the centenary of its Federation led to a year of reflection
about its system of government and the values on which the
nation was built.
Our final theme examines the democratic system of each country,
how governments are elected and the tradition and development
of party politics in Australia and Indonesia.