Court started about 11:15 on Friday, Sept. 8th. I testified for a little over three hours, Ken Balk testified a little over two and a half hours, and Steve Emma testified a little over two hours. The prosecution team, the defense team, the judges, and the defendants were all given the opportunity to ask questions and ask for clarifications on each of our testimonies. The defendants (six that were in attendance, Hardi Sugumol is still ill) really didn't ask questions, but they all made statements after each of our testimonies. I was the first to testify so I was able to stay and hear Ken and Steve's testimony. There was an English translator and an Amungme translator. So when Ken, Steve and I spoke, what we said was translated into Bahasa Indonesian and then the Amungme translator translated the Bahasa Indonesia into Amungme, and vise versa.

At the Sept. 12th, hearing two of the FBI agents testified. Court started at 1:10. Reverend Ishak Onawame stood up (he is one of the seven defendants) when the first agent took the stand. The reverend stated that the FBI tricked them and went on to say that the FBI should not testify before the other victim witnesses, as is stated in the Criminal Procedure (Indonesian victim witnesses are scheduled to testify later). Johnson Pannjaitan, the defendants' lead attorney, let the reverend do most if not all of the talking. Then all the defendants started to leave in protest....the lead judge said that they did not have to stay, and with that the defendants left and all their defense lawyers followed. All of that took about 5 minutes.

During the two FBI agents' testimonies they showed videos that were already in evidence. One was of Joni Kasamol (Agustinus Anggaibak) shooting an M-16 in the jungle (a weapon that Mr. Kasamol said was used in the ambush) the video also showed the casings being gathered up. Mr. Kasamol is one of the seven defendants standing trial. Another video was shown of Kelly Kwalik (a well known leader of the OPM separatest group) confessing that he gave an order, verbal and in letter form, to attack the Freeport road. Mr. Kwalik went on to say that his men did fire into the vehicles of civilians on August 31, 2002. Mr. Kwalik said that his men fired into the vehicles from the side. The letter is in possession of the prosecution team and the defense team. The agents also showed a video of the SS-1 and the Mauser being fired and the casings being picked up (these are two other weapons that OPM members said were involved in the ambush). The agents were asked if those in the videos knew that they were being video taped and the agents stated that they all knew they were being taped and that the videos would be given to the FBI.

One of the agents also showed the video which was shown on the Australian television program Foreign Correspondent (which was aired after the US indictment for Wamang's arrest was unsealed). That tape showed Anthonius Wamang confessing to being the leader of the ambush and apologizing to the victims and saying he would turn himself into American authorities.

During the agents' testimonies they spoke of their interviews with some of the defendants and what they were told about those defendants' involvement in the ambush.

The question of the arrests on January 11, 2006, was asked by the prosecutors and the judges. The agents were both asked if they had promised anything to the defendants who were standing trial. The agents both said that no promises were made by the them (the agents) and that no promises were asked for by the defendants. The agents said they told the defendants that they would be in a safe place to tell their stories.

The third FBI agent who is the forensic expert, did not testify on the 12th; but will on Monday, Sept. 18th, along with some other witnesses. The FBI expert will testify about evidence and how that evidence pertains to the ambush.

The court proceedings of all the testimonies thus far have been video documented.