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Ryamizard: Australia the Potential for the Threat for Indonesia
Saturday, September 10 2005 | 13:28 WIB

The TIME Interactive , Jakarta :Bekas Chief Of Staff TNI the Army, TNI General Ryamizard Ryacudu, reminded the existence of the potential for the annoying threat NKRI cohesiveness from several neighbouring countries like Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia.

In the Seminar dug up the Spirit of the Oath of the Young Man to Erect him the NKRI Sovereignty, Saturday (10/9), in Jakarta the Center Media, Ryamizard said, until at this time Australia continued to carry out the development of the strength that headed to the north. "In their white book his threat was Indoneisa,"kata him." He reminded the experience in East Timor, Australia most influential against free him the province from Indonesia.

The threat terjuga seen from the Preemptive policy Australia that made use of the concept Autralian Maritime Indentification Zone (AMIZ). The threat was also seen in the Papua case where Australia actively responded to the assumption of the people's opinion in Papua.

While from Singapore, the lack of clear country limit, according to Ryamizard, Singapore could widened his territory to the side of the Indonesian territory. Was related to the Singaporean interests on Malacca Strait waters. The other threat that is Singapore often became the place of the money washing by the black Indonesian conglomerate.

With Malaysia, Indonesia experienced several experiences that did not please. For example, free him the Island Sipadan-Ligitan, and now his free threat the Ambalat Bloc. Apart from Malaysia was interested on the Malacca Strait, their area also became the place of escape and the GAM hiding.

Therefore, Ryamizard warned, that Indonesia more emphasised his national interests than the friendship. "With Malaysia or Singapore we were friendly, but the national interests continue to the matter that utama,"ujar him." If a country was attacked and destroyed that could maintain was the country personally.


From the archives The TIME magazine
The TNI Post- Ambalat | March 28 2005
Noodles-17 did not land in the Round Building | March 28 2005
Chose the Peaceful Way | March 21 2005
The Maritime territory not Determine by the Lobby of the Oil Company | March 14 2005
Malaysia not Have A Attitude as the Good Neighbour | March 14 2005
The tsunami more Busy | March 14 2005
Crush Malaysia, rescued Siti Nurhaliza | March 14 2005
Pursued Black Gold | March 14 2005
Datuk, in Sea was pitted by us the snarl | March 14 2005
Pit the Snarl in Ambalat | March 14 2005
> >selengkap him::

From the Photograph Collection of the TIME | Under Development
Presiden Soeharto menerima kunjungan Perdana Menteri (PM) Australia John Howard  di Jakarta. [Dok TEMPO; Digital Image; 20040812] Menteri Pertahanan Australia, Robert Hill [TEMPO/Bambang Harymurti; Digital Image; 20021016]
President Soeharto and John Howard
Robert Hill
> > Selengkap him ::


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